We have a responsibility to actually title ourselves properly and the reason for that is because so many throw out title’s without first learning what those title’s/labels truly mean. For example those 20yr old “Masters” out there that have ZERO understanding of the lifestyle let alone understand what the title Master means! To call oneself a Master IMO, you are deeming yourself above a normal Dominant.
Let’s analyze the word Master for a moment so you can understand where I’m coming from, Master by definition: complete knowledge or skill in . great skill or proficiency , skilled practitioner of a particular art or activity . These are just a few definitions but you all get the gist of the meaning. To me, there is no possible way anyone that is either that young or just entering into this LS can possibly think they are worthy of such a title.
This is where responsibility in self identification comes in because bottom line is you can call yourself whatever you please however when it comes down to it, if another person is going to take you seriously then you must be able to back up what you are wanting to be viewed as. From personal experience I cannot tell you how many I personally have come across in all role’s where they simply aren’t at all what they state they are. This is a waste of not only my time but theirs and every other person they come into contact with.
If you do not know what you are yet, then say so! It IS really that simple and people will actually respect you more by doing so and be accepting of you vs. trying to be something you’re not. We all have a responsibility to be who we state we are especially when you are seeking someone to be in a D/s relationship with because it is not fair to say for example that you’re a sub when truly all you really are and want to ever be is a bottom or call yourself a Dominant but really you’re a switch who only likes to top on occasion. There is nothing worse than being in a relationship and finding out months later that the “master” you thought was your ideal is truly a switch with more sub tendencies than Dominant. The same goes for those calling themselves sub’s where a true Dominant enters into a relationship with that so called sub and later realize the person is far from being submissive.
This LS is NOT a game and it is disheartening to see that it has sadly evolved into it being viewed as nothing more than that. So many groups out there claiming to be BDSM are a joke and nothing more than online playrooms and role players using BDSM as nothing more than a free pass to excuse their perverse interactions with one another with zero responsibility for their actions. If you do not know any better, let me tell you that you will never find a true Lifestyler in those groups. No self respecting person within this community will ever ask you for nude pics, send nude pics or go straight into the sexual aspect of BDSM before you even exchange a hello. Those that right off the bat send or post a message stating they will do anything or are seeking a person to whatever with or only post porn are ALL FAKES and want nothing more from you than to get their fix for the moment and move on to the next. This goes for both genders alike.
My biggest wish is for people who want to be a part of our community to start taking some personal responsibility and represent themselves honestly and with integrity in order to bring the balance back to what BDSM is all about and not what it is turning into.
~Harlow 11/3/15 BDSM Submissive Sensual Desires
Posted By Harlow
Updated : 15th October 2021 | Words : 655 | Views : 2922