A master, a dom, a top, a daddy or whatever other Dominant label you choose to embody in this lifestyle, there are some underlying traits, qualities and attributes that need to be there in order to make the title you wear feel real to the one who is serving you.
Responsibility :
When I'm at work, I'm responsible for those who work underneath me and the totality of the work that needs to be completed that's under my purview. Including any work they perform, it's under my watch and responsibility to make sure it's done properly. The same is in D/s relationship. If my submissive is fucking up or failing me, it's because I'm not doing a good job at leading her. And guess what, when I think back on any transgressions, it always correlates with me not being in the proper state of mind in order to lead and inspire her. Funny how that works.
It's because most submissives that get into a D/s actually want to serve and are in some varying way, naturally submissive. But they seek inspiration, purpose and a path to follow. That's why they desire those who are of a dominant nature and you don't see two submissives trying to serve each other (that sounds sexy as fuck though if they were naked!).
D/s is a partnership, it takes both sides to equate a rich and meaningful dynamic. But make no mistake, the Dom is the captain and even if it's in the most subtle of ways, the submissive personality is going to follow to some degree and if the relationship is going to continue to function, the captain must take responsibility at times and make sure they stay on course to their agreed route. No one wants to end up shipwrecked in a relationship!!
Consistency :
My submissive might brag at certain times of how wonderful I am and what a great Dom I am and then at other times, yeah, not so much. Is it because I become a different person, no, it's because I'm inconsistent with what I do, from my overall disposition to the way I enforce protocols. Inconsistency will destroy a D/s relationship quicker than I'll destroy a soft ass with my paddle (kapow).
D/s is about structure. It's about understanding and clear and defined expectations. Inconsistency is the Achilles heel of a functioning power exchange.
That goes on both sides. It's imperative to be consistent and considerate of each other, because even if you're feeling off, you have to show up and live up to the dynamic, because it's more than just you, you're counted on just as you depend on your partner. Of course there are multiple circumstances that will arise that will cause the apparent display of the power exchange to be put on pause, but during daily struggles that can hinder our abilities to Lead or serve, we must push through them in order to maintain the foundation of the dynamic.
Honor :
There is something sacred about taking responsibility for another person. Whether that's during a scene, a fling or a relationship. It's an honor to be bestowed someone's trust in you that they are willing to serve you and explore something risky and intense under your guidance.
That trust should always be honored and you should always look out for the well being of your bottom, be it mentality, physically or emotionally. Expect and demand they honor your leadership as well, but more importantly, you'll need to inspire them to do just that.
When you honor and take responsibility for your submissive, consistently, well there's no telling what greatness might come about such a connection. But whatever comes from it and for whatever duration, it will be something special, because when you have all of that in a power exchange, how can it not be?
– Innermind
Posted By Innermind
Updated : 3rd December 2021 | Words : 641 | Views : 2594