- A dominant is a ruler, but never a tyrant. But to rule requires understanding, and understanding requires humility.
- A dominant has pride, but never arrogance. But pride requires dignity, and dignity requires humility.
- A dominant commands respect, but never fear. But respect requires serenity, and serenity requires humility.
- A dominant employs strength, but never force. But strength requires knowledge, and knowledge requires humility.
- A dominant criticizes, but never derides. But criticism requires insight, and insight requires humility.
- A dominant receives, but never takes. But receiving requires giving, and giving requires humility.
- A dominant completes, but never tries to alter. But to complete one must be able to see what is there, not what is missing, and this most of all requires humility.
In short, to use an archaic phrase, noblesse oblige.
If a dominant is the centre of a submissive's universe, it is because she thinks so, not be cause [sic] he does. No one is respected, let alone obeyed, just coz [sic]. The truth of the matter is that owning is at least as much work as being owned.
Author Unknown
Posted By Author Unknown
Updated : 16th October 2021 | Words : 179 | Views : 4157